Where to practice

You can practice Zenyoga with our licenced teachers in a number of cities in Croatia, in Slovenia, Germany and the USA. In person or online, find the right group for you.

What to expect?

Our groups are mostly mixed levels, consisting of beginners and advanced students alike. That mixture might seem like an obstacle for serious work, but it is important to keep in mind that each posture can be performed on several levels. A good teacher, who knows how to conduct the student’s awareness in the right direction, can teach a mixed group the same set of postures, with students of different levels and abilities gaining a benefit from it. Some groups offer separate beginners and advanced level classes, as well. There are special classes for the students of the Zenyoga teacher’s school, as well as for the instructors and teachers.

How do we practice?

Zenyoga is practiced barefoot, in clothes from natural materials that allow freedom of movement. We don’t use mats, but you are free to bring one if you feel like you need it.

Silence is an important element of practice. We don’t use background music and we don’t burn incense. The outer atmosphere of peace provides a condition for the attention to turn inward, creating inner tranquility and relaxation.

Where to start?

If you want to try it out, join a group in your area for a trial class. Direct experience will tell you more than any elaborate explanation of it. One class usually lasts around 90 minutes. First class is free – take a chance and start! If you're unabtle to find a group nearby you can join the one that meets online. All the best in your Zenyoga journey!


Yoga Zagreb

Šalata Sports Center
Teacher: Karmen Mihalinec (for those with previous experience)
Call: 099 233 5533


Zenyoga Dojo
Ilica 43 (inner courtyard)
Teacher: Koraljka Milanja
Call: 098 9073 542

Email Web Facebook

Zenyoga Kvatrić/Maksimir
Crnčićeva 18
Instructor: Karla Matković
Call: 091 5392 645

Email Web Facebook

Zapruđe Elementary School
Trg Ivana Meštrovića 8a
Teacher: Mirjana Dodig
Call: 091 530 9352


Tratinčica Kindergarten, Sv. Mateja 131
Teacher: Ksenija Štahan
Call: 095 905 2971

Email Web Facebook

Fran Galović Primary School (small hall)
Školski prilaz bb
Teacher: Vera Beker
Call: 099 561 5721


Zenyoga training place
Maršanići 1 No. 3
Teacher: Damir Vukojević
Call: 099 5995 119


Yoga Samobor

Zenyoga Samobor
Hrastina, Matijina 23b
Teacher: Verica Mihalinec
Call: 01 3363 803, 091 528 7412


Yoga Pula

Centar “Shin”
Social Center Karlo Rojc, 2nd Floor, Gajeva 3
Teachers: Ela Vukelja, Olivera Živković i Ana Milat
Call: 091 506 7252

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Yoga Rovinj

Yoga center Sadhana
Hermana Dalmatina 8
Teacher: Sanda Burić
Upit: 091 253 5225

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Yoga Split

Zenyoga Split
Gundulićeva 26a
Teachers: Mirjana Halsey, Sandra Neretljković, Ana Giljum Bjelobrk
Call: 098 371 185, 099 436 9477

Email Facebook

GK Spinut Training Hall
A. G. Matoša 29
Teacher: Ana Giljum Bjelobrk
Upit: 098 777 290


Yoga Brač Island

Dol Town Hall
Teacher: Maja Čipin Guštak
Call: 091 914 9552


Yoga Šibenik

Yoga Back to Basic – Zenyoga

Put prvog šibenskog partizanskog odreda 13

Prenatal Yoga
Stjepana Radića St. 111

Teacher: Tatjana Bračanov

Call: 099 213 5175

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Yoga Knin

Ask for details.
Učiteljica: Tatjana Bračanov

Upit: 099 213 5175

Email Facebook

Yoga Slovenia

Šmarje pri Jelšah
Šmarje pri Jelšah Primary School (small training hall)
Teacher: Mira Peunik
Call: +386 (0)31 394 435


Yoga Germany

Zenyoga Berlin
Christburger Straße 37
10405 Berlin – Prenzlauer Berg
Teacher: Zorica Eterović
Call: +49 172 7704 886

Email Web

Stresemannstr. 31
10963 Berlin
In-person and online classes
Teacher: Tatjana Mesar

Email Web Facebook

Yoga USA

Cape Cod
Sasha’s Yoga & Massage Studio
Cobblestone Court II Plaza
23 Route 134
South Dennis, MA 02660
Teacher: Saša Reljić Christakis
Call: +1 508-760-5339

Email Web

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